Family Law


Jason P. Kane was first exposed to family law matters when he was the law clerk for the Honorable James F. Macrum, Jr. (ret.) in the 18th Judicial District. As a law clerk, Mr. Kane gained valuable insight about how family law divisions operate and was exposed to effective advocacy by various practitioners who appeared before the division he clerked in. Following his clerkship and since 2002, Mr. Kane has represented individuals in divorces involving issues such as spousal maintenance, property disputes, and child support. Mr. Kane understands a divorce or family law dispute can be very stressful for the client and strives to provide representation that alleviates some of the stress. Having litigated civil cases, Mr. Kane understands the importance of conducting discovery in family law litigation to uncover the truth that may otherwise be concealed without engaging in depositions and written discovery seeking key documents. While the norm for some divorce attorneys may be to avoid the discovery process and contested final orders hearings, Mr. Kane will not hesitate to engage in pretrial discovery and take a matter to final orders should the case warrant such an approach.

Mr. Kane also performs transactional work in the area of family law. In particular, Mr. Kane can review and draft prenuptial and postnuptial agreements for clients. Mr. Kane brings the unique skill of combining his ability to draft contracts with his knowledge of family law litigation to help protect the client’s interest.